LRDG Truck Photos:

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First and second photo: Posing for photographer Hans Halbenstadt for inclusion in his up
coming book "Military Trucks" in 1998. Taken at the Woodson Bridge meet Sept 1997.

Tacoma WA display (Fall 1997)

LRDG Truck Photos:

The LRDG truck loaded for transport on Rick's (recently built) custom LRDG trailer.

LRDG Truck Photos:

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The infamous dual Rick (left) the unit's fabricator and mechanic and LRDG Preservation
Society CO Jack, outfitted in original British cool weather gear. Note the scruffy
LRDG issue beards!

LRDG lunch time at the "Celebrate History" show (February 1998, San Francisco) .

LRDG Truck Photos (recent):

Photos from the "Celebrate History" show (February 1998, San Francisco).

LRDG Truck Photos (recent):

This Old Truck Magazine Article (May/June 1998).

This Old Truck Magazine Article (May/June 1998).

1999 Great Western Show

The True "Commander and Chief"!!

1999 Waterford Meet

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1999water3.jpg (23466 bytes)

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