Scorpion "Standard" Cap Badges

At this point in time; it has been universally accepted, that "Gunner Claude Olaf Grimsey" NZ #551 was responsible for the design of the famous LRDG Cap Badge of the Scorpion in the Wheel. As the story goes; while sleeping he was stung three times by a scorpion that "died". Using the "deceased" scorpion as an example he completed the design.

Originally it was designed for wives and sweethearts and not to be used on operational patrols, as Bagnold did not want the enemy to have anything to identify the unit. With his approval; a Mr. Hasseram in Fwal-el-awal, made fifty, based on the Scorpion in a Wheel. At this point I can not verify if this was the early version or what we now see today.

Several features should be noted, the diameter of the standard badge is 33 mm, some were cast and some were cut. The cut variation has some distinct differences from the cast version. However in both the cast and cut variations, the Scorpion Stinger never touches the "third" foot. And in both versions the R; D & G are cut through to the back side. Also on the cut version the underside of the Scorpion body is hollow; where in the cast is is solid underneath. You will be able to see from the photos.

I have tried to orient all of the badges so the LRDG would be in a straight line and also tried to make all of the photos about the same size. Any differences in color are caused by the photographer and lighting. I have also tried to include front and back of each badge when possible.

There is one that is "questionable" in my mind. See if you can find the one and let me know your thoughts at

Scorpion "Standard" Cap Badges