Special Cap Badges

Some are modified standard Badges, others are gold, silver and a couple are diamonds.

Special Cap Badges

Are thought by their owners as original samples; I however have my doubts as workmanship is rather crude

Are thought by their owners as original samples; I however have my doubts as workmanship is rather crude

Standard Badge with loop added so it could be worn with a chain.

Standard Badge with loop added so it could be worn with a chain.

Brooch with chain & pin - verified as authentic by Brendan O'Carroll

Brooch with chain & pin - verified as authentic by Brendan O'Carroll

Brooch with chain & pin - verified as authentic by Brendan O'Carroll

Standard Silver (cut) badge with proof marks

Standard Silver (cut) badge with proof marks

Gold with proof marks

Gold with proof marks

Mother of Pearl

Mother of Pearl

Silver with proof marks

Silver with proof marks

Standard Silver (cut) badge with different proof mark

Standard Silver (cut) badge with different proof mark

Gold Brooch (private collection)

Gold Brooch (private collection)

Gold Brooch (private collection)

Gold Brooch (private collection)

Gold & Diamond - with the family.

Made in a POW camp for Eric Wilson

Brooch with early LRP design - metal unknown

Brooch with early LRP design - metal unknown