LRDG Challenge Coin

I’m sure that anyone interested in military history is familiar with the term “Challenge Coin”.

These were “minted” and distributed to special units, I’m not sure when this all started. But if you were in one of these “special units” and as the story goes placed it on the bar; if someone else had been bragging about being in the same unit and didn’t have their “Challenge Coin” with them, they bought (for everyone).

Anyway a few years back (foggy memory) some enterprising soul minted a LRDG Challenge Coin in “bronze” (I believe). Measuring 2 inches in diameter and quite heavy. They were listed on the U.S. e-bay. I have no idea how many were minted, but they finally sold out.

They were really well made, with the standard “Scorpion” and LRDG design on one side and the 1533x2 truck with units that served on the reverse and dates 1940-1945. So I would think quite rare in the LRDG collecting community.

LRDG Challenge Coin

